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Gluten Free Sacramento
Living Gluten Free in the Sacramento Area. Restaurants, Bakeries, Support Groups, and Things to Do in the Sacramento Area. Brought to you by the Gluten Free Specialty Market.
What's Going on in Sacramento?
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
October Events at Gluten Free Specialty
OCT 8 Pure Pantry: Owner and Author Debutes New Cookbook
Elizabeth Kaplan was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2002, and as a trained chef she decided to start her very own product line. Her mixes are all free of gluten, dairy, soy, nuts, and eggs, as well as certified organic and kosher. The company website has a plethora of recipes that covers every meal period from breakfast to late night snack.
If you haven't tried her mixes for yourself, or have missed out on the sampling of baked goods using her mixes at the store, we welcome you to come to the store on October 8 to taste some delicious treats, meet Elizabeth, and check out her new cookbook. See will be signing her book and answers all your random baking questions from 3:00-5:30pm.
Pure Pantry Cookbook Signing and Q & A at Gluten Free Specialty October 8 from 3-5:30pm. All mixes will be on special during event, and cookbooks will be regular price of $24.95
If you haven't tried her mixes for yourself, or have missed out on the sampling of baked goods using her mixes at the store, we welcome you to come to the store on October 8 to taste some delicious treats, meet Elizabeth, and check out her new cookbook. See will be signing her book and answers all your random baking questions from 3:00-5:30pm.
Pure Pantry Cookbook Signing and Q & A at Gluten Free Specialty October 8 from 3-5:30pm. All mixes will be on special during event, and cookbooks will be regular price of $24.95
OCT 9 Walk Now for Autism!
Our store is hosting a walking team for Walk Now For Autism Speaks in West Sacramento, on October 9, 2011.
Gluten Free Specialty Market is not just a place to go to buy your gluten free groceries. Our staff is a team and our repeat customers are our family. We support everyone through what can be a difficult adjustment to starting and maintaining a gluten free diet. A large portion of the store is also dairy free, and thus an assortment of options are available for parents with children who are on the gluten free, casein free diet. We offer personalized attention during weekly store tours, offer educational classes, and have recipes and handouts for those on the go.
Please support a good cause, and join our walking team. All our team members will receive a team t-shirt, and treats from our team sponsors: Zico Coconut Water and Zing Protein Bars. We will be gathering at 9am at Raley Field- specific location for our team to be announced.
There is no fee to join the team or to walk for the event. Simply sign up on our team page:
Come by and see us.
2612 J street
Sacramento, CA 95816
Open M-F 10-7
Gluten Free Specialty Market is not just a place to go to buy your gluten free groceries. Our staff is a team and our repeat customers are our family. We support everyone through what can be a difficult adjustment to starting and maintaining a gluten free diet. A large portion of the store is also dairy free, and thus an assortment of options are available for parents with children who are on the gluten free, casein free diet. We offer personalized attention during weekly store tours, offer educational classes, and have recipes and handouts for those on the go.
Please support a good cause, and join our walking team. All our team members will receive a team t-shirt, and treats from our team sponsors: Zico Coconut Water and Zing Protein Bars. We will be gathering at 9am at Raley Field- specific location for our team to be announced.
There is no fee to join the team or to walk for the event. Simply sign up on our team page:
Come by and see us.
2612 J street
Sacramento, CA 95816
Open M-F 10-7
Saturday 10-6
Sunday 10-4
Sunday 10-4
OCT 12 "Gluten Free for Beginners" - October 12 6:00- 7:00 pm
Dietitian Meghan has been gluten free for 10 years and has become an expert on living the lifestyle. She can teach you what exactly is gluten, how it might be affecting your body, how to set up your kitchen, tips for meal planning, and share simple recipes. She will also share tips on how to heal your gut through eating natural foods and truly nourish your body. Registration required; limited space. The first 8 people who have paid for the class will be given the seats. The class must have 5 paid people by the morning of October 10 or the class will be canceled. Cost is $10 or free with $100 purchase.
OCT 19 “Sugar Shock” – October 19 6:00-7:00 pm
Eating an excess of refined sugars can lead to a depressed immune system, weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, and a host of health issues! With sugar added to so many foods around us – come to this “Sugar Shock” class to learn how to stay away from refined sugars, what their hidden names are, replacement sweeteners, and how to live a SWEET life without the need for sugar! The first 8 people who have paid for the class will be given the seats. The class must have 5 paid people by the morning of October 17 or the class will be canceled. Cost is $10 or free with $100 purchase.
And for a quick "fact of the week"
Did you know that eating even 1 tsp of (refined) sugar can suppress your immune system, leaving you more susceptible to infections?
gluten free event
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Note From the Sacramento Naturopathic Medical Center
Welcome to Fall! We have a quick announcement, as we are closed on Thursday, September 22nd and Friday, September 23rd in honor of Dr. Paulina Caban's Wedding Weekend! Congratulations Dr. Caban!! As the weather is changing and days are growing shorter, it is common for people to feel the affects of lack of sunshine (Vitamin D producing rays) in the form of depression. Although there are many different causes to depression (including a Vitamin D deficiency), make sure you are taking the easy steps by choosing nutrient dense foods. See article below for "Poor Eating Habits Contribute to Depression."
Just a reminder: we are now offering Vitamin B12 and B6 shots to help with your energy levels. Vegetarians, particularly vegans, are often Vitamin B 12 deficient. You are welcome to stop in on Monday mornings from 9:00-11:00 am to get your B vitamin shots! You do not have to be a patient to receive B vitamin injections. We look forward to seeing you soon! |
Well wishes,
Debbie, Janna, Jim, Wilma, Meghan and Dr. Caban
Wilma,Debbie, Jim, Janna, Meghan, & Dr. Godby
bbie, Janna, Jim, Wilma, Meghan and Dr. Caban
Wilma,Debbie, Jim, Janna, Meghan, & Dr. Godby
Thursday, September 1, 2011
CSA Sacramento Newsletter September 2011
Placerville Support Meeting, Sunday, September 11, 2:00-4:00 pm
If you missed Trudy Scott, CN, at our August Sacramento meeting, this is your chance! Our speaker is an expert in the field of nutrition and anxiety. Trudy specializes in “Food for Mood” resources. She will discuss poor digestion and food intolerances, nutritional deficiencies and lifestyle changes that can help us reduce stress, sleep well and improve our moods. Her presentation will include information on how what we eat, what we don’t eat, and what time we eat are related to worry, fear, and anxiety. She also has information on ending sugar and carb cravings. (Trudy’s website is www.everywomanover29.com)
The meeting will be held at Federated Church: Placerville, 1031 Thompson Way, Placerville, CA 95667. There will also be time for additional questions, comments, and support for those who are newly diagnosed. Experienced Celiacs are urged to bring healthy g-f snacks to share. Please include copies of the recipe for homemade items, or packaging materials for store-bought. Call or e-mail Kathe at 530 672-1104, kathehughes@sbcglobal.net for directions, or if you have questions that need answering prior to the meeting.
Downtown Support Meeting, September 14, 7:00-8:00ish pm
This month we’ll discuss the FDA Proposed Rule for gluten-free labeling. Join us at SMUD’s Customer Service Center, 6301 S Street, Room 3 (S Street is immediately north of Highway 50, straight across from the 65th Street exit intersection for those who traveled west on 50). Gluten-free snacks always welcome.
CSA 34th Annual Conference, San Diego, September 15-18 (all or parts)
For conference information, call CSA 877-272-4272, or at celiacs@csaceliacs.org. Note that the conference discount rate expires 9/1. This event replaces our Sacramento support meeting this month. Interested in carpooling? Contact Diane at 916-483-8546 or dcraig101@hotmail.com. Interested in sharing a room at the hotel? Contact CSA as per above.
Davis Support Meeting, Saturday September 17, 12:30-2:00 pm
At Davis Lutheran Church, Fellowship Hall, 317 East 8th Street in Davis. Contact Susan at sblarock@sbcglobal.net. Experienced celiacs, please bring a gluten-free snack to share (including recipe and/or package, for those with additional food sensitivities).
Celiac Kids Outing, Saturday September 24, 10:00am-?
Marianne Quaas is hosting a celiac kids’ gather at Westwood Park in Davis. It has two playgrounds and a bathroom. Please email Marianne at mandtquaas@comcast.net if you and your child are interested in attending, and please let her know if you can bring GF/CF snacks. Westwood Park address: 900 Barkley St, Davis, CA 95616. Cross Streets: Near the intersection of Barkley St and El Dorado Pl Neighborhood.
Group Blog: NEW! http://sacceliacs.blogspot.com. Check out recipes, medical providers, restaurant comments, calendar, more. See below. Comment or Just Browse. Our new blogsite is intended to be interactive. We’d love to hear from you. Please check it out at http://sacceliacs.blogspot.com. If you have questions about the blog itself, please contact Diane through the blogsite email address (lower right column).
If you missed Trudy Scott, CN, at our August Sacramento meeting, this is your chance! Our speaker is an expert in the field of nutrition and anxiety. Trudy specializes in “Food for Mood” resources. She will discuss poor digestion and food intolerances, nutritional deficiencies and lifestyle changes that can help us reduce stress, sleep well and improve our moods. Her presentation will include information on how what we eat, what we don’t eat, and what time we eat are related to worry, fear, and anxiety. She also has information on ending sugar and carb cravings. (Trudy’s website is www.everywomanover29.com)
The meeting will be held at Federated Church: Placerville, 1031 Thompson Way, Placerville, CA 95667. There will also be time for additional questions, comments, and support for those who are newly diagnosed. Experienced Celiacs are urged to bring healthy g-f snacks to share. Please include copies of the recipe for homemade items, or packaging materials for store-bought. Call or e-mail Kathe at 530 672-1104, kathehughes@sbcglobal.net for directions, or if you have questions that need answering prior to the meeting.
Downtown Support Meeting, September 14, 7:00-8:00ish pm
This month we’ll discuss the FDA Proposed Rule for gluten-free labeling. Join us at SMUD’s Customer Service Center, 6301 S Street, Room 3 (S Street is immediately north of Highway 50, straight across from the 65th Street exit intersection for those who traveled west on 50). Gluten-free snacks always welcome.
CSA 34th Annual Conference, San Diego, September 15-18 (all or parts)
For conference information, call CSA 877-272-4272, or at celiacs@csaceliacs.org. Note that the conference discount rate expires 9/1. This event replaces our Sacramento support meeting this month. Interested in carpooling? Contact Diane at 916-483-8546 or dcraig101@hotmail.com. Interested in sharing a room at the hotel? Contact CSA as per above.
Davis Support Meeting, Saturday September 17, 12:30-2:00 pm
At Davis Lutheran Church, Fellowship Hall, 317 East 8th Street in Davis. Contact Susan at sblarock@sbcglobal.net. Experienced celiacs, please bring a gluten-free snack to share (including recipe and/or package, for those with additional food sensitivities).
Celiac Kids Outing, Saturday September 24, 10:00am-?
Marianne Quaas is hosting a celiac kids’ gather at Westwood Park in Davis. It has two playgrounds and a bathroom. Please email Marianne at mandtquaas@comcast.net if you and your child are interested in attending, and please let her know if you can bring GF/CF snacks. Westwood Park address: 900 Barkley St, Davis, CA 95616. Cross Streets: Near the intersection of Barkley St and El Dorado Pl Neighborhood.
Group Blog: NEW! http://sacceliacs.blogspot.com. Check out recipes, medical providers, restaurant comments, calendar, more. See below. Comment or Just Browse. Our new blogsite is intended to be interactive. We’d love to hear from you. Please check it out at http://sacceliacs.blogspot.com. If you have questions about the blog itself, please contact Diane through the blogsite email address (lower right column).
Gluten Free Cooking Class in Sonoma, CA
Flourless and Gluten-Free Baking with Alice Medrich
Friday, September 23, 2011
11:00AM to 2:00PM
Hands-on Class (Limited to 16 Students)
Award-winning author of Chewy Gooey Crispy Crunchy Melt in Your Mouth Cookies, Alice Medrich returns to Ramekins to introduce you to the world of flourless and gluten-free baking. A believer that your dessert should never just taste “pretty good for gluten-free,” Alice will demonstrate how to make treats so delicious you’ll never know the difference.
Wheat Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chocolate Almond Tweed Torte
Mexican Wedding Cakes with variations
Peanut Butter Caramel Swirled Cheesecake Bars
Hazelnut Butter Clouds
For more information or to reserve your seat in the class, please contact Ramekins at 707-933-0450 or visit us at www.ramekins.com
Julia Blanton
Communications Director
Ramekins Culinary School and Inn
450 West Spain Street
Sonoma, CA 95476
(707) 933-0450 (office)
(916) 416-0687 (cell)
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
New to the Gluten Free World?
Gluten Free Specialty is hosting a gluten free for beginners class on September 21 from 6-7pm. Dietitian Meghan has been gluten free for 10 years and has become an expert on living the lifestyle. She can teach you what exactly is gluten, how it might be affecting your body, how to set up your kitchen, tips for meal planning, and share simple recipes. She will also share tips on how to heal your gut through eating natural foods and truly nourish your body. Registration required; limited space. The class must have 5 people registered by the morning of September 19 or the class will be canceled. Cost is $10 or free with $100 purchase. Make sure to express your interest!
Gluten Free Specialty
2612 J Street Suite 1
Sacramento, CA 95816
Meghan O'Hara, Registered Dietitian, Health Counselor
Sacramento Naturopathic Medical Center
Thursday, August 25, 2011
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